227 Cherry Street
Dunlap, TN 37327
United States
Monday 8:00AM – 5:30PM
Tuesday 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Wednesday 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Thursday – Closed
Friday 8:00AM – 4:30PM
Saturday 8:00AM – 12
Library Materials & Services
Library materials include: books; large print books; books for the blind; magazines;
video materials, either VHS or DVD; audio materials, either cassettes or CDs; and
genealogy material.
Services include: free computer and Internet access; WiFi; copying and printing;
preschool story hour; and the summer reading program.
If this library does not have what you want in its collection, it may be available
through the state-wide interlibrary loan system, and, if so, you may order it. Any
library patron with a valid library card may request materials on interlibrary loan.
Reference books and other reference materials are available for use at the library,
but they do not circulate.
The loan period for books is two weeks with one renewal unless the book is new
fiction or a best seller. Patrons will be charged a late fee of 10 cents per day, not to
exceed the price of the book, for overdue books. Fines are not charged for days the
library is not open. Audio and video materials may also be checked out for two
weeks, but these materials may not be renewed. A video fine of $1 per day will be
charged as a late fee, and an audio daily fine is .20 cents per day.
Copies may be made on the library’s photocopier for 25 cents per page or on the
printer for 10 cents per page. Please ask at the library's reception desk for fees for
sending and receiving faxes.
Library Computers, WiFi, & Internet Access
WiFi is available at this library. WiFi is a slang term for a high frequency wireless
network. With WiFi you may bring your own properly configured laptop to the library
and access Internet service.
The public may also use seven computers with Internet access located within the
library, and there are other computers for children with Internet access, which are
also loaded with children's applications. Computer time is assigned in one and one
half hour blocks permitting patrons only one such session per day. The computers
with Internet access are also loaded with word processing applications, and a
patron may send pages or files to the library's printer from them for printing.
Printers will not be available via the wireless connection. Instruction in computer
use and disks or other storage media are not provided.
Children 3 years of age or under are not allowed to use the computers. Children 8
years of age or under may use one of the two children's computers in the Children's
Room, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Children aged
9-11 may use an Internet computer in the Children's Room if a parent or guardian is
present in the library building. The Internet access adult computers are located in
a "quiet room" to insure patrons can work undisturbed by others. Children 12 or
older may use computers in the quiet room. Only one person may use a computer
in the quiet room at a time. Computer in the Children's Room may be available if
someone has brought another person to assist them with computer use.