Please call before coming into the Columbia office as Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands (LASMTC) may be able to help by phone or mail. Columbia LASMTC may also be able to come to the county where you live.
LASMTC only takes legal problems that a person cannot go to jail for. If you have a criminal case, you need to call the Public Defender’s office.
Our kiosk is located in the Marshall County Courthouse. You can also access these resources from your computer or mobile device.
Legal Help Links
Frequently Viewed Legal Information
Civil Legal Information by Topic
Legal Aid Serving Marshall County
Marshall County Memorial Library aims to provide all citizens the best in library services in Tennessee. Additionally, the library has a broad selection of legal self-help, reference and legal forms books. If needed, the library staff is available to help locate these materials and other online resources.
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