Mail Order Merchandise
When will I receive merchandise that I ordered by mail?
The seller is required to ship the merchandise to you within the time limits stated in its ad or within 30 days if no time is stated.
What if the merchandise is not shipped as promised?
If the merchandise is not shipped as promised in the ad or within 30 days, you have the right to cancel your order and have your money refunded within 7 days of cancellation. If you paid with credit, the seller has one billing cycle to adjust your account. If the seller tells you that it cannot ship the merchandise as promised, you may cancel the order and get your money back or agree to a new shipping date.
What if I am shipped merchandise that I have not ordered?
You do not have to pay for merchandise you have not ordered or requested, and it is illegal for the sender to pressure you to return it or send you a bill.
What do I do if I have a dispute with a business?
Send a letter to the business by certified or registered mail explaining your dispute. Keep a copy of the letter for your records. Send copies of receipts, contracts, or other papers that support your dispute. Never send your original documents. If the business does not resolve the dispute, file a complaint with the Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs at The Division can mediate consumer disputes with businesses. You can also talk to your local legal aid or a private attorney about legal remedies that might be available.