Statewide Resources for Children

Below you will find links to information about statewide resources for children in Tennessee.
Kid Central is a one-stop shop for Tennessee families to connect with important information and resources provided by Tennessee state departments. F find a complete list of services that the state provides for children on their website.
Tennessee Voices for Children speaks out as advocates for the emotional and mental well-being of children and their families. Click here if you need information or help for a child with mental health issues.
Tennessee Association of Mental Health Organizations
To access mental health services in your area, call toll free 800-568-2642, or visit the website linked above.
(Also called the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program)
WIC is a program designed to provide supplemental food to low-income pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants and children until the age of five. The program provides a combination of nutrition education, supplemental foods, breastfeeding promotion and support, and referrals for health care.
Visit their website to find out how to receive extra help with food and other services when you're pregnant or have young children.
Child Care Resource and Referral Centers
(CCR&R’s) assists both parents and providers. For parents, the CCR&R offers information on child care providers in your area and answers questions on what type of care is best for your family. Click on the link above to find out about day care options in your area.
Department of Children's Services Central Intake Child Abuse Hotline
Call 1-877-237-0004 or 1-877-54ABUSE (1-877-542-2873)
For the following situations:
- the situation you are reporting is an abuse/neglect/child fatality emergency;
- you prefer to remain anonymous;
- you have insufficient data to complete the required information on the report;
- the suspected abuse/neglect you are reporting occurred outside the state of Tennessee and you do not know how to contact the state where it occurred.
- you are unsure if the report is imminent risk of harm
- you do not want e-mail confirmation of your report
Click here for more information about how to report child abuse:
If you need help with housing, food, transportation, or other social services, click on the link above to find resources near you. These are primarily social services, rather than legal services.