Help with Phone Costs and Phone Accessibility
Below you will find links to resources and information that may be beneficial to you if you need help paying for a phone in Tennessee. Additionally, you can view details on how to seek assistance or aid from a lawyer, if needed.
How to Receive Lifeline Discount Telephone Assistance
The Lifeline program is a federal benefit that lowers the monthly cost of phone or internet service. Learn more information and see if you qualify by visiting the links above.
Telecommunications Devices Access Programs (TDAP)
The Telecommunications Devices Access Program (TDAP) was created to help people who have a disability use basic phone services. The resource above will provide you with more information about the program. You can also find out if you are eligible and learn how to apply.
Learn about CapTel from the Tennessee Public Utility Commission. This is a telephone service that allows the user to speak, read captions and hear during business and personal phone calls.
This resource from the state of Tennessee talks about The Tennessee Relay Service (TNRS). TNRS provides free, statewide assisted telephone service to those with speech, hearing, and visual impairments. Learn more about the features available here.