Representing Yourself in General Sessions

Learn More About Going to Court
No Lawyer? You can speak for yourself in General Sessions Court
Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee & the Cumberlands provides information on representing yourself if you are being sued for money or property in General Sessions court.
Dress Codes for Going to Court
When going to General Sessions Court, make sure that you are following their dress code.
What to Expect in General Sessions (Videos)
Preparing for Your Day in Court | Preparándose Para Su Día de Corte
In these video, Legal Aid of East Tennessee outlines general information on how to prepare for General Sessions court when representing yourself. This information is available in English or Spanish
The following videos, provided by Legal Aid of East Tennessee, contain general legal information on how to represent yourself when filing a lawsuit in General Sessions Court. This information is available in both English and Spanish.
Finding Legal Answers
If you are in Tennessee, the website, Free Legal Answers, allows you to ask a lawyer for help with a legal issue at no cost. It is fast and easy, and all you need is a computer. This is a FREE service for people who cannot afford a lawyer.
How it works:
- You will answer a few questions to see if you qualify for their service. If you qualify, you will have the option to create an account.
- If you are eligible, you can ask their volunteer attorneys a non-criminal question.
- Once your question receives a response, you will get an email. You will need to sign into the website to read your response and ask any additional questions.
Standard Court Forms for all of Tennessee
At this link, you can find approved court forms for all counties within Tennessee.